It’s almost time!! I hope that you’re all as excited as I am for an INCREDIBLE pageant week. I can’t wait to meet you all on Tuesday!
I just wanted to take a moment to share some last-minute advice as you’re finalizing your packing and getting yourselves into pageant mode!
First (and most importantly) be ready to have fun this week! You’re going to meet some really incredible girls down in San Antonio. Take the time to get to know your sister queens---I hope that you’ll all return home having formed new friendships.
Also, take time to appreciate all of the outings that Miss Amanda has planned for us! Listen to the guides at the Alamo tour and on the Riverwalk boat tour (you’ll learn a lot about the City of San Antonio) and have fun at the ranch, at Ripley’s, at Seaworld, etc. Don’t be fixated all week long on what’ll be happening on Friday and Saturday. You’ve worked hard to prepare yourselves. You’re ready! Enjoy all of the things that we’ll be doing in the days leading up to the pageant—I don’t want any of you to miss out!
Also, while you’re walking around San Antonio, make sure to carry autograph cards & a Sharpee and wear your sash! You never know when someone might stop you to ask for a photo or an autograph, or just ask you about the sash. It’ll give you the opportunity to talk a little bit about the pageant and hopefully draw some local residents in to cheer for you girls on the 9th and 10th!
Bring thank-you cards with you as well! I know that you’ve all written thank-yous for our incredible sponsors, but I promise that you will meet other individuals during the week that you’ll want to thank for their hard work and help :)
Now, rehearsals---Make sure that you’re going to be comfortable! Pack a few pairs of yoga pants and DEFINITELY bring a sweatshirt. You never know if it’ll be chilly in the rehearsal area, so it’s good to be prepared. It’s also good to have snacks, a water bottle, and some Band-aids with you at rehearsals. I’m sure that you’ve all done a good job of breaking in your heels, but you never know when a blister might appear!
And while we’re talking about foot comfort. . .PLEASE wear flats or sneakers to Sea World! We’re all going to do a lot of walking that day. You’ll be miserable if you wear heels. I promise Summer and I will be going with flats, and the dolphins and seals won’t be judging your footwear :)
One last packing tip—Bring some Ziploc baggies and separate your jewelry into the (labeled) baggies by outfit. If you’ve got your outfits separated right down to the accessories, it’ll make things SO much easier when you’re scrambling backstage!
Finally, please come to Summer and me during the week if you have any questions, or just want to talk to us about our years, our lives, our states, our favorite foods…ANYTHING! I’m really looking forward to getting to know all of you :)
Good luck with your last-minute packing and travel safely! I’ll see you all on Tuesday! Horray :)
XOXO Shannon